It's an affordable way to get introduced to off camera lighting, covering topics from off camera lighting basics, indoor lighting styles, outdoor lighting techniques (including overpowering the sun) as well as studio lighting... and how to do all this on a budget.
Production is underway... find out more below.
I've long been a proponent of good workshops. I've attended a few terrible workshops, and some fantastic ones, paid anywhere from $50 to $500. My goal for this Video Workshop is to get the information out there, in an easy to understand manner, in easy-to-digest portions. Oh... and without making you dig too deep into your wallets.
The DVD will consist of four portions:
-- Introduction and basics of off camera lighting. We'll discuss small portable battery-powered flashes, such as speedlites and potato mashers as well as heavier duty equipment, monolights, packs + heads, and portable power options. The pros and cons of each system will be discussed, as well as in-depth details on how to get things going, how to use lighting off camera.
-- Indoor lighting techniques. With a slight bias towards boudoir, indoor lighting techniques and styles will be addressed. How to 'build' a set, by metering for ambient, and adding one or more flashes to get the look you want, or taking complete control over the set and using multiple lights to make everything do exactly what you want.
-- Outdoor lighting techniques. Whether you're shooting models, families, or a high school senior, there's a lot that off camera lighting can do for you. We'll discuss how to light in shade, mixed sun+shade, shooting in full sun with fill flash, matching the sun, as well as completely overpowering the sun.
-- Studio lighting. There's no better way to create a clean, simple photo than shooting in a studio. Having control over every aspect of the lighting situation leaves you in complete control of the results. We'll discuss which lights to use, which modifiers, and how to use them in a few different 'standard' setups to produce exactly the image you want.
What more could you ask for? One DVD, one workshop that will give you the knowledge needed to get out there and start practicing. And I promised you it wouldn't break your piggy banks, right? It's still being discussed, but I plan on having the first run available for well less than $100. I still need to do a little market research though, find out a little more about demand, so I'd appreciate a comment, or an email to Info@ShootingOnaBudget.com --- If you'd like to hear more, and would be interested in getting your hands on a copy once it's out, let us know!